|* cinema. Osama (2003)

"Osama" is the first entirely Afghan film shot since the fall of the Taliban, because before that all the filmings were banned in Afghanistan. The director of the movie, Siddiq Barmak, used the real people and amateurs for filming. He found the main character, Marina Golbahari, on the streets of Kabul. The movie was inspiried by the real story of a girl, who wanted to go to school, but it was banned. Then she cutted her hair and "became" a boy.
I got the strange feeling while watching this movie. Like the viewers are forced to notice the horrors of that time. I understand that it was so terrible, but in the movie all the details are put right in front of your face, you have no other choice but to look at them.
Right from the beginning I understood that the movie cannot have a happy end. The symbolic marriage and rape in the end speak loader then words or any facts. But kill me, I couldn't believe that the old guy is still capable of doing anything regarding sex. But he is a trully disgusting character in the movie. I know why he locks his wives at home each in her room, otherwise they would long time ago got together and smashed his head.
In general, I cannot say that "Osama" is the greatest movie I've ever seen. But it has a great meaning for the changes in Afghanistan.
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