|* photos. Yemen
The following photographs are mady by a groups of Russian tourists, who visited Yemen in February 2004.

(c) Gallery
I was amazed by these photos! It feels like a totally different world. I would believe more that it is somewhere on another planet. It was even more interesting for me to read about the trip. I translated some main points-observations about Yemen:
It is hard for a foreigner to get some sleep there. Usually streets are busy till 23 o'clock. Cars are driving with a necessary constant honking to everyone and everything around, including cars, people, dogs or any kind of crossroad. After 23 o'clock cars disapper, but people keep on talking to each other, but in such high voices like we use to shout from a long distance. When people disappear as well, dogs are left, which bark almost all the night. And early in the morning, around 5 o'clock, they start the first praying.
It is typical for the people to carry guns and Kalashnikov. Jambiya is a must-have kind of thing.
The building of a house in Yemen starts with an installation of a door. Then the rest of the house is built.
If you try to take a photo of a woman and she notices you, she will start to throw stones at you!
Smoking hookah in Yemen is not respected and considered to be unhealthy. Therefore, everyone chews "Khut" and around noon all men rush to market places, where they sell khut. Khut is being chewed and put aside behind a cheek during several hours. So somewhere close to the evening all men look rather funny with a khut behind their cheeks (like they have stuffed there a whole apple!)
Sometimes you can see a goat standing on the top of a car eating its breakfast - leaves from a tree next to the car.
Hi it is very interesting that you translate this article and put those images. Before I read your translation, I had a small idea about Yemen, but after I read your article and saw the pictures. I had totally deferent idea and image and I will be totally agreed with you that it feels like a totally different world. Thank you very much for your information. Keep writing :-)
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