|* architecture. Sheba's Palace - the wonder of the World

American archeologists claim that they have found one more wonder of the world in Yemen. Madlen Phillips from the USA told the journalists that the ruins and the numerous things found next to the Palace of the
Queen Sheba are three thousand years old!
According to the legend, during the ruling time of Bilqis (her name in Islamic tradition), also known as Sheba, Yemen was the richest country in the world. It was described as a wonderland, where the sand is more valuable then the gold, where the trees grow from the heaven garden and people don't know what war is. All what is left from the richness of Yemen are the ruins and the legend about the Queen as smart as King Solomon!
|* shopping. Shop for the art online

If you are interested in the works of artists from Israel, you should check the following website:
Mira - Your online shop in JerusalemAs they write on their site "We deal only with the very best and well known Israeli artists, including Magda Watts, Elana, Ayala Bar, Gaya Smith, Avi Sofer…. Many are award-winning artists."
|* cinema, links.
Sinbad Multimedia is a small production company from the UK, which makes innovative, artistic and progressive films on the Arab and Muslim worlds. There is a list of movies with the basic information about them. You can order the films in the online shop.
Arab Film Districbution. When they began educating the world about Arab Cinema, they had only five films in their library. As written on their webpage: "
Our purpose is to make the "Arab point of view" as accessible as possible by turning our documentary library into a powerful educational tool. We hope that our films will entertain as well as bring into focus the issues that concern the status and future of the Arab world."
Tons of movies, structured by the countries and available for purchasing over the internet.